In my world the word ‘hero’ is way over-used. In the real world, it’s the absolute minimum requirement for PC David Rathband
Author: Mick Harland
Sue Simm QPM – Former Northumbria Police Chief Constable
In July 2010 his life changed for ever when he was shot and blinded. David showed outstanding bravery in what was a terrifying situation. He was a dedicated officer who acted in the best traditions of the police service.
Sir Hugh Orde – President of the Association of Chief Police Officers
He was an officer who personified the values of British policing, showing the utmost bravery when faced with danger in the line of duty. Following his ordeal, PC Rathband’s courage and passion to help others through his charitable work inspired many.
Paul McKeever – Former Police Federation Chairman
David was a remarkable man who sacrificed a great deal for his communities and his family. He exemplified the very best of British policing and had the respect of all those who knew or worked alongside him.
HRH The Prince of Wales
I need hardly say that we have the most enormous admiration for the extraordinary resilience and courage you have displayed. The United Kingdom owes a huge debt of gratitude to policemen like yourself who are prepared to sacrifice so much for others in the line of duty.
Rt Hon. David Cameron
David was an extraordinarily brave man and after his horrific injuries he did an enormous amount for charities for other injured police officers and families who had lost police officers in the line of duty.

A great future ahead for uniformed services students
Pupils from Ashfield School in Kirkby, Merseyside have shown they have a talent for fundraising after they’ve raised nearly £500 for The Blue Lamp Foundation.
Students on the Uniformed Services course collected old and unwanted clothes from their local community and turned them into cash for the charity.

Policeman Pete now available in our online shop
Delighted to announce that we are now stocking the full range of Policeman Pete books from children’s author Barbara Ann. 20% of all book sales will come directly to PC David Rathband’s Blue Lamp Foundation and go towards helping injured emergency services personnel.
The series of 13 beautifully illustrated books include ‘Policeman Pete and Nicola to the Rescue’ which is dedicated to PC Nicola Hughes who was killed on duty along with her colleague Fiona Bone in September 2012.
Barbara Ann has been donating money from the sale of each book to The Blue Lamp Foundation since the books were launched.
Books are priced at £4.99 each or you can get a set of 4 for £16.99. To get the discount on 4 books, enter the promotional code ‘PETE’ when you go through checkout.

Warwickshire wins honesty and kindness accolade again
Back in November we told you the story about Stacey Mccrickard from Leamington Spa who found a lost £20 note in her local shop and donated it to charity when it wasn’t claimed.
Would you believe that lightening has struck twice and we’ve received a second donation through very similar circumstances from the very same town?
Anne Lewis from Warwick was in Leamington Spa before Christmas and found a £10 note lying by the kerb near a bus stop. Worried that someone might feel the pinch, especially just before Christmas Ann walked across town and handed her find in at the Police Station.
Happy that she’d done a good deed for the day, Ann was also delighted that her walk from one side of town to the other to reach the Police Station resulted in a nice little boost to her step count for the day!
When the money wasn’t claimed, the Police contacted Ann who asked for the money to be donated to The Blue Lamp Foundation.
For both Ann and Stacey, their first thoughts were of the person who’d lost the money and doing their best to get it back to them. When the money wasn’t returned to its rightful owner, the ladies showed they were not only honest but also very kind by donating their finds to our charity to help injured emergency services personnel.
Thank you both again for your kindness and Warwickshire certainly deserves its honesty and kindness accolade from us today!

Police charities booklet launched
The Police Federation has just launched a new booklet featuring UK Police Charities.
The Blue Lamp Foundation is delighted to be included and support those in the #PoliceFamily who need us.